SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training
SMART RecoveryTM is an abstinence-based recovery program with a self-help program for people with drug or alcohol addictions. It contains many ideas and techniques to help change from a life that is destructive and miserable to one that is productive and rewarding. SMART RecoveryTM is not a “spin-off” of any 12-step program. This commonsense program teaches self-help actions intended to promote abstinence from drugs and alcohol, and to develop a positive lifestyle. Some may advance from the program, while others may stay involved to help others.
Practical Ideas for Addiction Recovery
Drinking and using drugs serve a purpose — to mask life’s problems and feelings. However, many problems are also born from heavy drinking and substance abuse. This type of coping is highly counterintuitive. To help reverse self-destructive behavior, SMART RecoveryTM employs a cognitive-behavioral therapy called REBT, which stands for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. This therapy recognizes that thinking creates feelings, which lead us to act. By managing the thoughts and feelings that lead people to abuse substances, we can empower ourselves to stop. Then, we can focus on any problems present with not using. In SMART RecoveryTM, the focus is on the present and the reasons for destructive behaviors. Our aim is to analyze the behaviors needed to achieve a healthy everyday life.
Get on the Road to Recovery
A treatment and recovery program tailored to you. Get the Help you need today!
SMART Recovery Emphasizes:
- Increased motivation.
- Rejection to act on urges.
- Coping with life’s problems in a practical way, free from substances.
- Establishing a balanced, healthy routine.
Motivation is a key component in everything we do. Consider that we all have shared goals – survival and the avoidance of pain along with seeking contentment. People often feel encouraged to change their actions once they've analyzed their motives for drinking and motives for stopping.
What people believe about addiction is critical. Some may believe they have a disease, that they are somehow defective, that they need alcohol to cope or that they’re powerless over a drink. These views can be detrimental. Furthermore, those beliefs can’t be justified as the evidence cannot support them.
Feelings are essential too. People often drink or use to mask with their feelings of anger, guilt, anxiety, or low self-esteem. SMART RecoveryTM shows you how to reduce your emotional difficulties and grow self-acceptance. It is possible to regain sobriety and be happy.
Changes in thinking and feelings are not enough. Self-obligation and follow-through are paramount. SMART RecoveryTM inspires members to work at problems and to become involved in pleasurable activities to replace substance abuse. For example, many in recovery turn to exercise and physical fitness to repurpose the energy spent on time in addiction.
Florida SMART RecoveryTM Addiction Program
Simple Path Recovery has trained and certified therapists to facilitate SMART RecoveryTM. Some of them have had experience with drinking and substance abuse themselves, while others have not. SMART RecoveryTM is a complementary mental health and educational program, focused on modifying human behavior. The program focuses on the present and beyond. The chief tool used in SMART RecoveryTM is the ABC method of problem-solving. The ABC Tool is a self-help activity that you can carry out any time you feel like drinking or using. Essentially, the ABC Tool helps us resolve our thinking about drugs and alcohol. It is the basic way to refrain from any substance or behavior that has adverse effects.