When most people think about Florida, they think about sunshine, white sandy beaches, and beautiful ocean breezes all-year round. However, in the world of addiction treatment, Florida is home to over 700 drug and alcohol rehabs. Outside of Southern California you will not find a greater concentration of rehabs. They come in all different sizes and treatment modalities. Typical levels of care include detox, residential, partial hospitalization (PHP), intensive outpatient (IOP), and outpatient (OP). Most reputable treatment centers will also offer some form of sober living, which is where the Florida model of treatment differentiates itself from hospital-like settings found around the United States. In this environment, clients being treated in PHP, IOP and OP levels of care are integrated with the recovery community from the get-go. They go to outside 12-step meetings, shop for their own groceries and share living space with their peer recovery group. The Florida model of treatment creates a bridge for clients to return to their home communities with confidence and the life skills they need to create lasting recovery.

Sober Living is a Team Sport
One of the reasons addiction treatment is so costly is because it provides total care, supervision housing for their clients. In sober living, the clients have stepped down to the IOP or OP levels of care, which are less restrictive. In IOP, clients come to treatment three times a week, leaving ample time to hold a job or go to school. they also are responsible for paying nominal rent. Each sober living resident is responsible for cooking, cleaning, and other chores divided among the residents. Also, each supervised sober living home operates under an agreement that all clients must agree to before moving in. The obvious benefit is to maintain the integrity of sober living which is managed by regular drug and alcohol testing. However, the lesser-known advantage is the peer support that enhances everyone’s recovery. The clients have a built-in social network all-around them. Whether it’s a tough day or one to cheer on a goal, Florida sober living will offers immeasurable support to clients in a supervised setting. A sober home allows clients to practice life skills, expand their recovery and work on themselves before returning home to their families.
Things to Watch Out For
While a high concentration of recovering adults is a distinct advantage, a portion of these clients will relapse (it’s part of the process). At the same time, opportunistic client brokers are lurking nearby to persuade those who relapse to admit to the “perfect” rehab. Moreover, the body brokers are typically paid a finder’s fee for each admittance. This is patient brokering and is a federal offense, which can include the unsuspecting client. However, the good news is that a good amount of client brokering is being cleaned up through regulation and prosecution. Generally, addiction treatment providers and sober living operators that aren’t concerned with assisting clients to get better can be hard to tell. However, that can be solved with some simple research and questions. For example, review the treatment center’s website to review their licensing and accreditations. Also, read reviews from past clients on social media – you will typically find a lot. Also, ask the treatment provider to divulge their average length of stay. If it is less than 28 days, it is a red flag. In addition, inquire about positive outcomes, alumni program, and continuing care. All in all, treatment centers committed to the highest levels of care operate medium to small, boutique-style centers where the therapist-client ratio is 5:1 or less. That said, most of Florida addiction treatment clients come from other states and may only know that Florida has a wide range of rehabs. However, a little homework, research and question asking can usually help you make the best decision for your loved one to get help, and on the road to long-term recovery.
Simple Path Recovery is a beach side, boutique addiction treatment center located in Pompano Beach, FL. Recognized as a Top Florida Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Simple Path is committed to individualized care, 12-step integration, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). Their addiction helpline is available 24/7 at 855-467-3625.About the Author
Matthew Koenig is the principal of Last Call Marketing, which devotes their efforts to Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Website Design and SEO, primarily in healthcare and tourism concerns. Mr. Koenig is based out of South Florida. His sober date is June 10, 2013.